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Plant writings, gardening thoughts & observations of Paul Hervey - Brookes, Award Winning Garden Designer & Plantsman.
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Friday, 29 May 2009

Hello Office

Before winning the scholarship I seemed to exist in a slight daze of 'one days' and 'what ifs'. One of the luxuries of this seemingly pleasant existence was my 'office' however with a busier work load and some rather exciting projects coming up (I'll keep you posted) the old office has to go - replaced by a rather more business like version. Now I should explain, our old office was in our house. Not in the room we lovingly call the study, due more to its pokey size over any activities which should take place there, and its use is curtailed to only late spring and late autumn. Our house is a small farm workers cottage with a series of un-heated extensions - a gentle blend from victorian to the 1940's and during winter a rather pleasing pattern appears on the window in our little study thanks to Mr J. Frost, however closer inspection of these patterns, sadly for the use of the room, reveals its generally on the inside pane.
Our office therefore up until this coming weekend has been our faithful piano stool come filing cabinet, a Georgian wing-chair for stationary storage and our dining table for any written and drawing activities. This collection will now be over taken by a shiny wooden summerhouse building to be erected at our nursery complete with a secondhand old pine bookcase for storage and a nicely weather beaten desk. The best thing about this new office is that we can have the dining room back for starters and secondly have a great new usable space at the nursery where we can store collected seed and all manner of bits and bobs and I have already collected up some great old wooden seed trays. It will also mean either Sean or myself will be at the nursery almost every day, so if your passing in our direction then please pop in and let us know what you think to this upgrade.


Deb @ Beholder's Eye said...

How completely fab! Now I'm even more envious. Passed by the nursery last weekend. It's such a gorgeous spot. next time we're passing I'll let you know and you can put kettle on :) xx

Paul Hervey-Brookes said...

Thanks Birdster, please do pop in would be lovely to have a catch up!

Claire Potter said...

Can't wait to see the new addition - sounds great! We regularly have visits from Mr J Frost as we live in an old, unheated house as well, except we can't really move out of these bits as it effects the whole house. Nice.
I do hope you are painting the office a nice heritage colour - Farrow and Ball?
we'll pop in for tea soon too (and a biscuit of course...)x

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